System Commands
shutdown | bring the system down | shutdown -h now ← -h = Halt or poweroff after shutdown shutdown -r now ← -r : Reboot after shutdown shutdown -r -F now ← -F : Force fsck after reboot. |
halt | stop the system. | halt |
reboot | reboot the system. | reboot |
init | init 1 #change to single usermode | |
uptime | Tell how long the system has been running. | uptime |
runlevel | find the previous and current system runlevel. | runlevel |
printenv | print all or part of environment | printenv |
env | run a program in a modified environment | env |
hostname | show or set the system's host name | hostname ← show the system's host name I recommend uname -n for check hostanme. hostname NEWHOSTNASME ← set the system's host name |
uname | print system information | uname -a ← print all information (=uname --all) uname -n ← show the system's host name (=uname --nodename) |
locale | Get locale-specific information. | locale locale -a |grep -i ja <- -a : --all-locales |
Process Management
ps | report a snapshot of the current processes. | ps aux |grep httpd ← Check httpd rocess ps aux | grep XXX | awk '{print $2}' | xargs kill -9 ps auxwf ps auxwf |grep XXX |
pgrep | look up processes based on name and other attributes | pgrep -f 'bash' pgrep -lf 'bash' ← output with process name pgrep -f 'bash' | xargs kill |
pstree | display a tree of processes | pstree -a |
pidof | find the process ID of a running program | pidof httpd /bin/kill $(/sbin/pidof qmail-popup) |
kill | send a signal to a process | kill -9 PID ← (-9 or -KILL = force-quit) |
pkill | signal processes based on name and other attributes | pkill -f 'bash' pkill -u user1 pkill java pkill -f jar |
killall | kill processes by name | killall vi killall -i vi ← -i = Interactively killall -HUP kterm |
killproc | ||
lsof | list open files | lsof -i lsof -i -P ← no port names lsof -i :80,443 ← Which process is using Port 80,443 |
Ctrl + C | Stop running process | |
Ctrl + Z | Suspend running process | Move Running Process to Background
jobs | The first form lists the active jobs. | jobs -l ← List job |
fg | Resume jobspec in the foreground | |
bg | Resume each suspended job jobspec in the background | |
nohup | run a command immune to hangups, with output to a non-tty | nohup & |
disown | disown %jobid | |
nice | run a program with modified scheduling priority | nice -n 19 nice -n 19 ionice -c 3 CMD nice -n 19 ionice -c 2 -n 7 COMMAND |
renice | alter priority of running processes | renice 19 -p PID you can check the nice whith “top” or “ps alx”. |
ionice | sets or gets process io scheduling class and priority | ionice -p PID ← check ionice -c 3 -p PID nice -n 19 ionice -c 2 -n 7 COMMAND |
crontab | maintain crontab files | crontab -l ← -l = list user's crontab crontab -u USER -l crontab -e ← -e = edit user's crontab crontab -u USER -e |
at | queue jobs for later execution | echo "/sbin/shutdown -h now" |at 21:00 02/30/2009 at -t 200902302100 |
atq | lists the user's pending jobs | atq |
atrm | delete jobs for later execution | atrm JOBID |
watch | execute a program periodically, showing output fullscreen | watch ntpq -p ← By default, the program is run every 2 seconds watch -n 1 ntpq -p ← 1 seconds interval -d : highlight the differences between successive updates |
alias | Alias with no arguments or with the -p option prints the list of aliases When arguments are supplied, an alias is defined for each name whose value is given. | alias ← check all alias alias ls='ls -la --color=auto' alias grep='grep --color' |
unalias | Remove each name from the list of defined aliases. If -a is supplied, all alias definitions are removed. | unalias COMMAND |
ntpdate | set the date and time via NTP | ntpdate -b -u IP -b : Force the time (step mode) -u : If you are running ntpd, “-u” must be added. |
chronyc | command-line interface for chronyd | chronyc sources chronyc sources -v chronyc sourcestats ← check offset chrony makestep ← Correct the time |
ntpq | standard NTP query program | ntpq -p -p : Print a list of the peers known to the server watch -n 1 ntpq -p |
hwclock | query and set the hardware clock (RTC) | hwclock (-r) ← Read the Hardware Clock and print the time on standard output. hwclock -w ← Set the Hardware Clock to the current System Time. hwclock -s ← Set the System Time from the Hardware Clock. |
man | an interface to the on-line reference manuals | man COMMAND |
whatis | display manual page descriptions | whatis KEYWORD whatis cat whatis vi |
history | GNU History Library | history |less history 5 ← lists only the last 5 lines. HISTSIZE=1000 HISTTIMEFORMAT=“%Y/%m/%d %H:%M:%S ” |
which | locate a command | which ls which -a bash ← -a : print all matching pathnames of each argument |
time | time a simple command or give resource usage | time sleep 5 |
strace | trace system calls and signals | strace -t php test.php strace -t -o test.txt php test.php -t : each line of the trace with the time of day. |
ltrace | A library call tracer | lltrace -o test.txt wget ltrace -p PID ltrace -p 3365 |
script | make typescript of terminal session | script -afq $LOG |
File Commands
ls | list directory contents | ls -ltrh ← -r : reverse order while sorting -h : with -l, print sizes in human readable format ls -ltrh |less |
cp | copy files and directories | cp -p SRC DES cp -pi /etc/hosts{,.`date '+%Y%m%d'`} cp -pr SRC/ DES/ ← -r,-R : copy directories recursively cp -f SRC DES ← -f, --force |
mv | move (rename) files | mv file1 file2 mv dir1 dir2 mv file1 file2 file3 DIR |
rename | renames multiple files | rename .htm .html *.htm ← frm .htm to .html rename "" test *.txt ← add test rename test "" *.txt ← delete test |
rm | remove files or directories | rm -rf TARGET ← -r,-R : remove directories |
touch | change file timestamps | touch file1 touch -d “2017/10/20 13:00:00” file1 |
ln | make links between files | ln -s SRC DES |
unlink | unlink DES | |
wc | print newline, word, and byte counts for each file | wc -l ← -l, --lines = print the line counts |
tree | list contents of directories in a tree-like format | tree -Dpuga /etc |
col | filter reverse line feeds from input | man ifconfig | col -bfx > test.txt |
Directory Commands
pwd | print name of current/working directory | pwd |
cd | Change the current directory | cd ← go to home directory cd ~/ ← go to home directory cd .. ← go to parent directory |
pushd | Adds a directory to the top of the directory stack | pushd /var/log pushd `pwd` pushd +2 ← check pushd directory with dirs -v and go to No.2 pushd +3 ← check pushd directory with dirs -v and go to No.3 |
popd | Removes entries from the directory stack. | popd |
dirs | displays the list of currently remembered directories. | dirs -v |
mkdir | make directories | mkdir -p /tmp/test1/test2/ ← make parent directories as needed mkdir -m 700 /home/user01/.ssh |
rmdir | remove empty directories If you want to delete directory, you must use “rm -r DIR”. | rmdir DIR |
Commands to Access File Contents
more | file perusal filter for crt viewing | |
less | opposite of more | crontab -l |less |
view | Start in read-only mode. | |
cat | concatenate files and print on the standard output | cat /dev/null > access.log |
tail | output the last part of files | tail -n 50 aaa.txt ← output the last N lines tail -f /var/log/messsages |
tailf | follow the growth of a log file | tailf /var/log/messages tailf -n 50 aaa.txt |
head | output the first part of files | head -n 100 aaa.txt ← -n , --lines <wrap hi>head * |more</wrap> ← View the beginning of the file in the directory. |
diff | compare files line by line | diff --suppress-common-lines --side-by-side File1 File2 diff /etc/test{,.`date '+%Y%m%d'`} diff -r dir1 dir2 ← When comparing directories, recursively compare |
sdiff | side-by-side merge of file differences | sdiff -s File1 File2 ← -s : Do not print common lines. sdiff -s -w 200 File1 File2 |
colordiff | ||
vimdiff | vimdiff file1 file2 vim -d file1 file2 |
grep | print lines matching a pattern | grep WORD FILE |less grep -Ev "^#|^$" xxx.txt grep -Ev "^$|^#|^\s*#" file.txt grep . ifcfg-eth* ← check filename and contents grep "" ifcfg-eth* ← check filename and contents grep -r PATTERN --include="*.txt" DIRECTORY ← -r : recursive |
egrep | egrep is the same as grep -E | egrep "aaa|bbb" file |
find , xargs | search for files in a directory hierarchy | find . -name "*txt*" find /dir -type f -name "*.log*" -mtime +7 -exec rm -rf {} \; ← “-mtime +7” is 7 days ago |
File Compression
tar | The GNU version of the tar archiving utility tar warn the order of target and destination. | tar zcvf test.tar.gz Dir ← Create, Verbose, File tar ztvf test.tar.gz ← Test, Verbose, File tar zxvf test.tar.gz ← eXtract, Verbose, File tar jcvf test.tar.bz2 DIR ← Create, Verbose, File tar jxvf test.tar.bz2 tar zcvf /tmp/user01.tar.gz user01 tar zxvf user01.tar.gz -C /home |
gzip gunzip | compress or expand files | gzip file1 gunzip file1.gz gzip access_log.2011-[0][5-8]*.txt ←wild card |
compress uncompress | package and compress (archive) files | compress file1 uncompress file1.Z |
bzip2 bunzip2 bz2cat | a block-sorting file compressor | bzip2 file1 bunzip2 file1.gz2 bz2cat file1.gz2 |
zip unzip | package and compress (archive) files | zip file1 file2 zip -l ← -l = list for check unzip unzip -t ← -t = test |
lha | lha a file.lzh file1 file2 lha t file.lzh lha x file.lzh | |
gzcat | gzcat file.gz gzcat file.Z | |
zcat | zcat file.Z | |
zless | file perusal filter for crt viewing of compressed text | zless file.gz |
zgrep | search possibly compressed files for a regular expression | zgrep PATTERN file.gz |
zegrep | search possibly compressed files for a regular expression | zegrep “new” test.txt.gz |
zdiff | compare compressed files | zdiff file1.gz file2.gz |
Character |
lv | a Powerful Multilingual File Viewer / Grep | |
qkc | ||
nkf | Network Kanji Filter | [to utf8] nkf -w -Lu --overwrite test.txt [to euc] nkf -e -Lu --overwrite test.txt [to sjis] nkf -s -Lw --overwrite test.txt find . -type f -name "*sh*" -print0 | xargs -0 nkf --overwrite -w -Lu |
iconv | Convert encoding of given files from one encoding to another | iconv -f utf-8 -t sjis test.utf8 > test.sjis |
useradd | create a new user or update default new user information | Adminuser on RHEL useradd -G wheel USER1 Adminiuser on Ubuntu useradd -m -s /bin/bash -G sudo USER2 useradd -u UID -g GROUP -G GROUP1,GROUP2 -s /bin/bash -d HOME_DIR LOGIN useradd -D ← check Default Parameter |
adduser | add a user to the system | |
whoami | print effective userid | whoami |
w | Show who is logged on and what they are doing. | w |
who | show who is logged on | who who --all |
userdel | delete a user account and related files | userdel -r USER ← (-r, --remove : Files in the user's home directory will be removed) |
vipw | edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file | vipw ← edit /etc/passwd vipw -s ← edit /etc/shadow |
passwd | change user password | passwd passwd user1 echo "password01" | passwd --stdin user01 passwd -S user1 ← check about the status of the password passwd -l user01 ← Lock the user passwd -u user01 ← Unlock passwd -d user01 ← delete password |
chpasswd | update passwords in batch mode | echo user01:password | chpasswd echo 'USER:PASS' > tmp.txt ; chpasswd < tmp.txt ; rm -f tmp.txt |
mkpasswd |
chage | change user password expiry information | chage -l USER ← check chage -M 90 USER ← the password expires day set 90days change -d 0 USER ← force a user to change their password at next login |
usermod | modify a user account | usermod -g GROUP USER usermod -g GROUP -G SUBGROUP USER usermod -G SUBGROUP USER usermod -aG SUBGROUP USER ← add Group usermod -G SUBGROUP1,SUBGROUP2 USER usermod -G "" USER usermod -l USER_NAME_NEW USERNAME_OLD ← change username usermod -d HOME_DIR_NEW USER_NAME ← change home directory usermod -u UID USER ← change UID |
gpasswd | gpasswd -a USER sudo ← add USER to GROUP gpasswd -r USER sudo ← remove USER from GROUP | |
chsh | change login shell | chsh -l ← = cat /etc/shells chsh -s /bin/bash ← changing shell chsh -s /bin/bash user01 |
getent | get entries from Name Service Switch libraries | getent passwd ← you can check LDAP Users getent group getent shadow |
pam_tally2 | The login counter (tallying) module | pam_tally2 -u USER ← check pam_tally2 -u USER --reset ← reset |
groups | print the groups a user is in | groups groups USERNAME |
groupadd | create a new group | groupadd -g GID GROUP groupadd -g 1100 dev |
addgroup | add group to the system | addgroup [--gid ID] group |
groupdel | delete a group | groupdel GROUP |
groupmod | change USER's GID | groupmod -g GID GROUP groupmod -g 1501 testgroup1 find / -gid OLDGID -print ← Check the OLD GID Reference usermod -aG SUBGROUP USER ← add Group |
chgrp | change the Group of the file | chgrp -R GROUP FILE |
vigr | edit the password, group, shadow-password or shadow-group file |
File Permissions
chmod | change file mode bits | chmod 777 TARGET chmod u+s PROGRAM ← add SSUID(Set User ID) |
chown | change file owner and group | chown USER FILE chown USER:GROUP FILE chown -R USER:GROUP DIR ← -R : operate on files and directories recursively |
finger | user information lookup program | finger finger user01 finger -l user01 |
su | change user ID or become superuser | su - ← change root user sudo su - USER -s /bin/bash su - user1 -c "ssh user1@192.168.0.xx ls -lh /tmp" >> aaa.txt |
sudo | execute a command as another user | sudo su -sudo -i sudo -u USER COMMAND sudo sh -c 'echo "test" >> /tmp/test.txt' |
id | print real and effective user and group IDs | id USERNAME |
last | show listing of last logged in users | last last -5 ← last 5 logged in users last USER |
lastlog | reports the most recent login of all users or of a given user | lastlog |
umask | set file mode creation mask | umask ← check umask 022 ← default 666-022=644(rw-r–r–) umask 002 ← 666-002=664(rw-rw-r–) umask 000 ← 666-000=666(rw-rw-rw-) |
ip | show / manipulate routing, devices, policy routing and tunnels | ip a ← print ip address ip addr ← print ip address ip r ← Show IP Routing ip route ← Show IP Routing |
ss | another utility to investigate sockets | ss -lt ← List all Listening TCP Connections ss -ua ← List all UDP Connections ss -ltp ← Process Name with Listening TCP ss -anu |
ifconfig | configure a network interface | ifconfig ← check ip ifconfig -a ← -a : display all interfaces ifconfig eth0 up ifconfig eth0 down |
ifdown | take a network interface down | ifdown eth0 ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 |
ifup | bring a network interface up | ifup eth0 ifdown eth0 && ifup eth0 |
route | show / manipulate the IP routing table | route ← show the IP routing table route -n ← show the IP routing table route add -net netmask gw route add -host gw route del -net netmask |
ethtool | Display or change ethernet card settings | ethtool eth0 ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full autoneg off ethtool -s eth0 autoneg on |
mii-tool | view, manipulate media-independent interface status | mii-tool eth0 mii-tool -vv eth0 |
arp | manipulate the system ARP cache | arp -n arp -an ← (-a : Shows the entries of the specified |
hosts.) arp -d 192.168.xx.xx ← delete arp | ||
nmcli | line tool for controlling NetworkManager | nmcli d #d=device nmcli d show ← defail nmcli c #c=con=connection nmcli c down eno1 nmcli c up eno1 |
nmtui | ||
tcpdump | dump traffic on a network | tcpdump -n port 80 -i any tcpdump -n not arp and not port 123 and not port 22 tcpdump host -n -w /tmp/20110615.pcap tcpdump -r /tmp/20110615.pcap ← -r : Read packets from file tcpdump -D # NIC LIST |
Check Network Connection
ping | send ICMP ECHO_REQUEST to network hosts | ping -c 5 -s 1500 ping -i 0.5 # -i : interval |
traceroute | print the route packets trace to network host | traceroute -n traceroute -T -p 80 ← (-T = TCP) traceroute -U -p 53 ← DNS (-U = UDP) |
tracepath | traces path to a network host discovering MTU along this path | tracepath -n ← UDP *tracepath don't use TCP. |
mtr | a network diagnostic tool | mtr --tcp -P 80 xxxxxx mtr --udp -P 53 xxxxxx mtr -rwb xx.xx.xx.xx -c 10 -T -P 443 |
nmap | Network exploration tool and security / port scanner | nmap ← Check TCP nmap -sT -sU -Pn x.x.x.x ← check TPC and UDP nmap -Pn -sT -p 22 xx.xx.xx.xx ← check Firewall nmap -Pn -sT -p 22 xx.xx.xx.xx/24 ← check Firewall nmap -sU -p 161 xxxxxx ← Check UDP nmap -Pn -p 22 HOST |
nc netcat | Concatenate and redirect sockets | nc 80 22 ← check TCP nc -u 53 ← check UDP nc -vz 1-1023 ← portscan nc -v x.x.x.x 22 < /dev/null > /dev/null 2>&1 || echo NG |
nping | nping --tcp -p PORT HOST nping -c 1 --tcp -p PORT HOST | |
httping | measure the latency and throughput of a webserver | |
http_ping | ||
hping , hping3 |
fping | fping -g |
dig | DNS lookup utility | dig -h ←help dig [@global-server] [domain] [q-type] dig @ any dig @ -x dig mx dig +trace dig +trace -x |
nslookup | query Internet name servers interactively | nslookup -type=any nslookup nslookup -type=txt |
host | DNS lookup utility | host ← help host [-t type] [server] host host x.x.x.x host -t any host -t mx host -t soa -t = specifies the query type |
whois | client for the whois service | whois |
nscd | name service cache daemon | nscd --help nscd -i hosts ← chache clear nscd -g ← Print current configuration statistics |
telnet | user interface to the TELNET protocol | telnet IP PORT |
ssh popular | OpenSSH SSH client (remote login program) | ssh USER@IP ssh xx.xx.xx.xx "hostname; netstat -rn |grep 10.110.0" ssh xx.xx.xx.xx sudo /sbin/reboot ssh -o "StrictHostKeyChecking no" xx.xx.xx.xx |
scp | secure copy (remote file copy program) the link file copyed as the real file. | scp test.tar.gz user1@ scp -rp /home/user1 user1@ scp -rp /tmp/test1/ user1@ |
rsync popular | a fast, versatile, remote (and local) file-copying tool the link file copyed as the link file. rsync -avzh --stats --delete /home/user1/ /tmp/user1.bk/ ← rsync “/” is very important. rsync -e ssh -avzh --stats --delete /home/user1/ user2@ rsync -e ssh -avzh --stats –-bwlimit=1250 FILE user@ # 1Mbps = 125KBps | |
ssh-keygen | authentication key generation, management and conversion | ssh-keygen -t rsa ← generate rsa key pair ssh-keygen -t rsa -b 4096 -C "" -N "" -f id_rsa ssh-keygen -R HOST ← Removes all keys belonging to hostname from a known_hosts file. |
sshpass | sshpass -p “XXXXXX” ssh x.x.x.x | |
ssh-copy-id | use locally available keys to authorise logins on a remote machine ssh-copy-id USER@x.x.x.x ssh-copy-id -i xxxxx USER@x.x.x.x Other method cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh USER@x.x.x.x "mkdir -p ~/.ssh; cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys" |
curl popular | transfer a URL | curl -O curl -I ← Only Header curl -i ← Header and Body curl --proxy |
wget | The non-interactive network downloader. | wget -e http_proxy=xx.xx.xx.xx:8080 wget -e https_proxy=xx.xx.xx.xx:8080 wget -S --spider ← Only Header |
ftp | ARPANET file transfer program | |
lftp | Sophisticated file transfer program |
snmpwalk | retrieve a subtree of management values using SNMP GETNEXT requests | snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost sysname snmpwalk -v 2c -c public localhost . |
snmpget | communicates with a network entity using SNMP GET requests | snmpget -v 2c -c public . |
snmptranslate | translate MIB OID names between numeric and textual forms | snmptranslate -Tp | less |
snmpnetstat | display networking status and configuration information from a network entity via SNMP | snmpnetstat -v 2c -c public -Can localhost snmpnetstat -v 2c -c public -Ci localhost snmpnetstat -v 2c -c public -Cs localhost |
date | print or set the system date and time | date --date '10day ago' +"%Y%m%d" → 20061030 date +"%Y%m%d" → 20061030 date +"%H:%M" → 12:47 cp -p FILE FILE.`date +%Y%m%d` cp -p FILE FILE.`date -d '1day ago' +%Y%m%d` |
tr | translate or delete characters | |
cut | remove sections from each line of files | echo abcdef |cut -c 3-echo abcdef |cut -c 2-4 |
sort | sort lines of text files | sort -t: +1 -n sample.txt |
uniq | report or omit repeated lines | cat access_log.1 | awk {'print $4'} |awk -F: {'print $1$2$3'} | sort |uniq -c |
logger | a shell command interface to the syslog(3) system log module | logger "test test" |
tee | read from standard input and write to standard output and files | | tee xxxx.log | tee -a xxxx.log 2>&1 | tee xxxx.log ← Save standard output and standard error output to file |
basename | strip directory and suffix from filenames | SHELLNAME=`/usr/bin/basename $0` SHELLNAME=`/usr/bin/basename $0 .sh` |
dirname | strip last component from file name | DIR=`dirname ${0}` |
paste | merge lines of files | paste -d, test1.txt test2.txt |
awk | echo "1 2 3 4 5" | awk '{ print $1 "," $3 }' echo "1 2 : 3 4 : 5" | awk -F: '{ print $2 }' | |
sed | sed -e 's/xxx/XXX/g' input.txt > output.txt sed -i "s/IPADDR=" ifcfg-eth0 |
mail mailx | send and receive Internet mail echo "`hostname` `date`" | mail -s "attach test" -a tmp.txt -S smtp=smtp://x.x.xx:25 -r | |
while | while : ; do uptime ; sleep 1 ; done while : ; do uptime >> /tmp/tmp.txt ; sleep 1 ; done while : ; do ps aux |grep httpd |wc -l ; sleep 1 ; done | |
for | for i in; do ping -c 2 $i; done | |
sleep | sleep 1 | |
usleep | sleep some number of microseconds | usleep 1000000 ← 1,000,000 = 1sec usleep 100000 ← 100,000 = 0.1sec usleep 10000 ← 10,000 = 0.01sec |
dmesg | print or control the kernel ring buffer | dmesg dmesg -H -P -T (-H = --human)(-P = --nopager)(-T = --ctime) The dmesg time is incorrect. Timestamps are slowed down because the time the kernel was asleep is lost. |
lsusb | List USB devices | lsusb |
lspci | list all PCI devices | lspci |
nproc | print the number of processing units available | nproc grep -c processor /proc/cpuinfo getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN |
inxi | Display info about all hardware | inxi -Fxz |
hwinfo | Display info about all hardware | hwinfo hwinfo --short |
lshw | Display info about all hardware “lshw” stands for “List Hardware”. | lshw -short lshw -C cpu <- Display all CPU info lshw -short -C memory lshw -short -C disk lshw -C network |
lscpu | Display all CPU info | lscpu |
dmidecode | dmidecode -t memory | grep -i size dmidecode -t memory | grep -i max <- Show maximum memory for the hardware dmidecode -t bios <- Display UEFI/BIOS info |
lsmod | show the status of modules in the Linux Kernel | lsmod |
modinfo | show information about a Linux Kernel module | modinfo MODULENAME modinfo bnx2 |
insmod | insert a module into the Linux Kernel | |
rmmod | remove a module from the Linux Kernel | |
modprobe | add and remove modules from the Linux Kernel |
du | estimate file space usage | du -sh * du -sh dir/ du -h --max-depth=1 |
fuser | identify processes using files or sockets | fuser -mv /mnt/test ← check fuser -mvk /mnt/test ←(-k : Kill processes) |
chroot | run command or interactive shell with special root directory | |
hdparm | get/set hard disk parameters | |
dumpe2fs | dump ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem information | |
badblocks | search a device for bad blocks |
df | report file system disk space usage | df -h ← (-h : print sizes in human readable format) df -BG ← Bigabyte Unite df -BM ← Megabyte Unite |
sfdisk | partition table manipulator for Linux | sfdisk -l ←(-l : List the partitions of a device.) |
fdisk | manipulate disk partition table | fdisk -l ← ( -l : List the partition tables) fdisk -l /dev/sdb fdisk -l -o +UUID |
gdisk | Interactive GUID partition table (GPT) manipulator | |
parted | a partition manipulation program | parted -l ← check partitions parted /dev/mapper/mpath0 |
lsblk | list block devices | lsblk |
e2label | Change the label on an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystem |
mkswap | set up a Linux swap area | |
swapon | enable devices and files for paging and swapping | swapon -s ← Check swapon -a swapon /dev/xvda3 |
swapoff | disable devices and files for paging and swapping | swapoff -a |
File Systems
mkfs | build a Linux filesystem #you must umount the device before mkfs. | mkfs -t xfs /dev/sdb1 mkfs -t ext3 /dev/sdb1 mkfs -t ext4 /dev/sdb1 |
mkfs.xfs mkfs.ext4 mkfs.ext3 | #you must umount the device before mkfs. | mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb1 mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 |
mkfs2fs | create an ext2/ext3/ext4 filesyste #you must umount the device before mkfs. | mke2fs /dev/sdb1 ← ext2 mke2fs -j /dev/sdb1 ← ext3 |
xfs_info | xfs_info /dev/sda1 | |
tune2fs | adjust tunable filesystem parameters on ext2/ext3/ext4 filesystems | tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/mpath0 ← -l : List the contents of the filesystem superblock. tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/mpath0 |egrep "count|interval" tune2fs -i 0 -c 0 /dev/mapper/mpath0 ← -i : interval, -c : mount count |
fsck | check and repair a Linux filesystem you must umount the device before fsck. for example single usermode and umount. 'shutdown -r -F now' is force fsck after reboot. | fsck -p /dev/sda1 ← -p : Automatically repair (“preen”) the file system. |
fsck.ext4 | check and repair a Linux filesystem | |
e2fsck | check a Linux ext2/ext3/ext4 file system | |
resize2fs | ext2/ext3/ext4 file system resizer | resize2fs /dev/testvg/lvol0 |
dd | convert and copy a file | dd if=/dev/zero of=test_10M bs=1M count=10 dd if=/dev/zero of=test_100M bs=1M count=100 dd if=/dev/zero of=test_1G bs=1M count=1000 dd if=/dev/zero of=temp.bin bs=1 count=0 seek=1G ← sparse file |
sync | flush file system buffers | |
shred | overwrite a file to hide its contents, and optionally delete it |
mount | mount a filesystem | mount mount | column -t mount /mnt/test /dev/sda1 mount -o remount /dev/sda1 mount -t cifs //xx.xx.xx.xx/test /mnt/test -o username=guest,password= |
umount | unmount file systems | umount /mnt/test umount -f /mnt/test (-f : Force unmount(in case of an unreachable NFS system)) umount -l /mnt/test (-l : Lazy unmount.Detach the filesystem from the filesystem hierarchy now ) |
top | display Linux processes | top -b -n 4 -d 5 ← interval 5sec , 4 times |
sar | Collect, report, or save system activity information. | sar -f /var/log/sa/sa16 sar (cpu,io) sar -r (memory) sar -q (Loadaverage) |
vmstat LIKE | Report virtual memory statistics | vmstat 1 ← interval 1sec (cpu, io, memory, swap) vmstat 1 5 ← interval 1sec, 5 times (cpu, io, memory, swap) |
iostat | Report Central Processing Unit (CPU) statistics and input/output statistics for devices and partitions. | iostat -xtk 1 (cpu, io) ← interval 1sec |
mpstat | Report processors related statistics. | mpstat -P ALL |
uptime | Tell how long the system has been running. | while : ; do uptime ; sleep 1 ; done while : ; do uptime » /tmp/tmp.txt ; sleep 1 ; done |
w | Show who is logged on and what they are doing. | |
free | Display amount of free and used memory in the system | free -m ← show output in MB |
netstat | Print network connections, routing tables, interface statistics, masquerade connections, and multicast memberships | netstat -anp (-a : Show both listening and non-listening sockets.) netstat -rn (-r : Display the kernel routing tables.) |
iotop | simple top-like I/O monitor | iotop -b -n 4 -d 15 ← interval 15sec , 4 times |
dstat LIKE | versatile tool for generating system resource statistics | dstat -taf |
make | GNU make utility to maintain groups of programs | |
patch | apply a diff file to an original | patch -p1 -N < ../xxx.patch |
ldd | print shared library dependencies | ldd BINARY |
yum popular | an interactive, rpm based, package manager | yum repolist ← check enabled repository yum search STRINGS yum info PACKAGE ← check rpm version etc yum install PACKAGE yum --disablerepo=* --enablerepo=test-repo repolist |
rpm | RPM Package Manager | rpm -ivh PACKAGE.rpm ← install rpm -e PACAGE.rpm ← uninstall rpm -qa --last |
apt | apt provides a high-level commandline interface for the package management system. | apt list --installed ← check installed package |
dpkg | dpkg -l ← check installed package | |
alien | alien -d package-x.x.x.rpm alien -r package-x.x.x.deb | |
update-alternatives | update-alternatives --config mta | |
rhn_register | rhn_register --nox --proxy= |
X Window System
startx | initialize an X session | startx |
xhost | server access control program for X | xhost + ← Access is granted to everyone |
xauth | X authority file utility |